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Will I Fail a Drug Test if I Use CBD?

Cannabidiol is a popular oil that users believe help relieve some of the conditions they have, but using CBD oil may potentially interfere with the results of a drug test. The oil is popular today and there are now several multi-level marketing (MLM) companies selling it. Users can place an order through a friend or online and get a few bottles in the mail later. CBD comes in various forms and is used to assist people with numerous ailments including pain, anxiety and depression, cancer-related symptoms and acne. There is a chance that it can make a user test positive on some tests though.

Why Use CBD Oil?

There are many different health issues that users claim the oil can help with such as anxiety and seizures. CBD oil, along with THC, is extracted from cannabis plants, but unlike THC, CBD oil does not have psychoactive properties. Manufacturers extract the ingredient from the cannabis plants and distill it before mixing it with oil. Some users mix oil with olive oil at home to make a diluted form. Users claim that the oil can help with muscle and joint pain, depression and a range of other medical conditions.

How to Use the Oil

CBD oil can be used in numerous ways including ingestion, topically and inhalation. Because of this, CBD comes in various forms including capsules, lotions, creams and vape cartridges. Capsules may be appealing to some as there is no flavor. Topical use of CBD oil is a good option when using it for treatment of musculoskeletal pain. Vaping isn’t a common way to use CBD oil, however, this may be a good option for those familiar with vaping.

Testing for Drugs

Both law enforcement and healthcare providers can test individuals for the presence of drugs. Testing can be done using various methods including hair and blood samples. There is a chance that this oil can test positive for the presence of marijuana in a field test. The most common reason why the oil may cause a user to fail a test is that it has too high of a concentration of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana.

According to WVLT, a news station in Knoxville Tennessee. most states in the country outlaw the use of marijuana, though some allow the use of medical or recreational marijuana. The active ingredient in that drug is THC, which is also in a common type of oil that people use. Those who use CBD oil should be aware that it can lead to a positive result on a drug test.this should not happen.

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